About Chaos Magik

    Hello! We are Chaos Magik Homestead, and we are enchanted by living a simple and frugal life while pursuing independence, health and happiness… all on ¾ of an acre! Here’s a bit of the pixie dust that brought us here: …It all started with a homeschool science project which included a borrowed incubator, eighteen eggs, a book, a half dozen pallets and a ¼ acre lot in the deep-south, Gulf Coast Region of Mississippi!  Together, my 3 homeschooled children and I incubated our first eggs, hatched our firstclutch of barnyard-mix chicks, and built our first chicken coop out of pallets. And that’s it; we were hooked!   As I began researching…


    The Chaos Magik Family

    If you’ve made it this far, you have probably already read about our journey from science experiment to suburban-homestead. If not, feel free to jump on over to our About Us Page and see a snapshot of our journey to live a simple, frugal and independent life… AND join us on our journey; hopefully you will benefit from some of our successes and be able to avoid some of our harsher lessons. Now, let me introduce you to our Family… The Mastermind Hi! I’m Jodi and my most notable qualities are probably my loyalty and my terrible sense of humor… if you get it, you get it, but if you…